Tuesday, May 12, 2009


At this moment, I am working on three computers. Typing this blog on my desktop PC, listening to Pandora and updating Five Talents golf materials on my desktop Mac, and loading software onto the laptop Mac that I'll be taking into the field. In the midst of this I'm fielding questions from co-workers, responding to emails and updating our Web site. I have also just created a "Do Not Disturb" sign for my desk in hopes of increasing my ability to multi-task.

Time. Right now, I'm not sure I have enough of it. And yet, regardless of what I do or do not get accomplished before I leave, I'll be on a British Air flight to London at 8:55 tomorrow evening. (That thought, I have to admit, provides both relief and panic! :)

One of our incredibly dedicated volunteers was just in the office. He prayed that Suzanne and I would be open to God's timing on this trip. To know that the Lord may have plans for us that are different than what we have organized or imagined and that we would be open to His leading.

There is definite reality in that volunteer's prayer. Yesterday, we received an email from Peter Macharia, who is the Sudan Country Director for World Concern and one of our consortium partners:

This is to let you know that the flight that was carrying Harun from [Kenya] was unable to land in [Sudan] today due to a very strong dust storm covering the area. They were forced to be brought back to [Kenya]. They will be leaving on Wednesday for [Sudan] and we hope the storm will have cleared. Kindly pray that we will not be affected and our trip will be as planned. Dust storms are common occurrences at this time of the year in Sudan.

This email was just a reminder that even with the best made plans there is always the possibility of change and alternate routes.

As Suzanne and I enter into our final 24 hours of preparation, I'd ask for your prayers that we be good stewards of our time before and during the trip and that would we would be open to the Lord's leading and His use of our time during the next three weeks.

OK, time for me to share my attention with the Macs sitting to my left... :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sometimes it's hard to trust in KAIROS when we live in CHRONOS a lot of the time (no pun intended ;)