Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First Village Bank in South Sudan Opens

So much has happened during the past two days... And, what is most exciting, is that yesterday, Lietnhom became home to the first village bank in South Sudan. What a celebration! Schools were closed, a bull and two goats were butchered so that everyone could eat, Sunday school classes performed a song and dance, local and county officials as well as the Bishop, trees were planted and a ribbon was cut!

It was without a doubt an honor to be there.

I was also able to meet several Five Talents entrepreneurs prior to the event. One young man has witnessed the impact of a loan his brother took out. He's hoping to one day take out a loan as well.

One mother of five boys, Ahok, has already taken out two loans. She'd like to take out a larger loan ($300) in order to grow her business and to continue to educate her sons. She is not able to read or write and wants a better life for her children. She is just one example of the bank's 460 members.

Well, I've been attempting to post photos, but am having slow connectivity problems... hopefully I can get them up tomorrow.

Time for me to get to bed!


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