Friday, June 12, 2009

How To Join the Five Talents Family

It's a sunny Friday afternoon here in Vienna, Va. And, as I sit at my desk and chip away at my "to do" list, which somehow expanded while I was traveling, I felt compelled to invite you into what we call the "Five Talents Family."

When playing back the video that I took while in Sudan, I was reminded of the requests our partners made, and I want to pass along that message. I asked Thomas Anei, Harun Matuma and Peter Macharia what they would like me to share with our friends in the U.S. While their responses were varied, they each mentioned two things: prayer and financial resources.

1. Prayer
Thomas and Harun work in incredibly extreme conditions, as I've mentioned in earlier posts. I'd ask that you pray for their safety, health, the work the Lord has called them to and for the details of life.

South Sudan is entering into its rainy season, meaning transportation will become even more difficult.

For lasting peace in Sudan.

For growth of the village bank in Lietnhom and growth of savings groups in Wau. For the literacy and business-skills training that is taking place and for the discipleship classes and spiritual growth of those living in this region.

If you are interested in being a Five Talents prayer partner, please email Sue Blood at

2. Financial Resources
This consortium that Five Talents is a part of is receiving many requests from across South Sudan ... requests for literacy training, business-skills training ... But in order to expand the program in Wau and into other areas, financial resources are needed. Without this, we will not be able to assist those who are asking for training. If you are interested in supporting the work of Five Talents in this or other parts of the world, please click here.

I'll add one more way you can be involved. Five Talents sends out a monthly e-newsletter, which provides updates on our programs, stories from entrepreneurs as well as upcoming event information. If you would like to receive this, please click here to sign up.

We'd love for you to join "our family" and for you to be abel to share your gifts and talents with others. If you have any questions about the work of Five Talents or other ways you like to be involved, please don't hestitate to ask!

Enjoy your weekend!


P.S. If you scroll to the bottom of this letter, you'll see where Harun mentions the Five Talents family. :)

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