This evening, Five Talents Program Assistant Hannah Coyne will leave for Bolivia. During her visit, she'll be sending blogs to share her experience and to provide insight on this new Five Talents program.
I’m heading out to visit our program in Bolivia today, until Good Friday [April 10]. I’m really excited to meet Sara and Eva, the two sisters who run Semillas de Bendicion. If you don’t speak Spanish, that means "Seeds of Blessing." Sara and Eva came up with the name because they want to plant seeds of hope, courage, and joy through passing on their knowledge and mobilizing Bolivians into savings and loans groups. Like me, they are PKs (Priest’s Kids!), which should be fun. Five Talents Latin America Coordinator Tom Waddell, who spent three years as a missionary in Bolivia, will also be going with me.
Photo: Sara and Eva with Tom Waddell.
Destination: Tarija, Bolivia. True to Five Talents form of seeking out "poorer, riskier, and smaller" locations (to serve the truly poor), the plane to take us to Tarija only flies out twice a week, so the itinerary took some maneuvering!
Say a prayer for us as we leave Miami tonight at 11:10 p.m.!
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