Thursday, July 31, 2008

Join Us For Five Talents After Hours: India on Aug. 15

Date: Friday, August 15
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Five Talents Office
543 Beulah Rd., Vienna, VA 22180

Learn about Five Talents' work in India, enjoy Indian food (provided by Aditi Bistro in Vienna) and hear the stories of our entrepreneurs and of the impact small loans are having on their lives.
The evening will be filled with food, door prizes, conversation and, hopefully, you'll walk away with a better understanding of Five Talents' impact in India.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 13, so that we can have an accurate count for food, by calling (703) 242-6016 or emailing Kelli Ross at Feel free to forward this invitation to your friends and family! (The Five Talents office is located in a brick house next to Church of the Holy Comforter.)

Click here to view the Evite.

Suggested donation: $10. (For a tax-deductible contribution, checks should be made out to Five Talents International.)

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